CoWorking prostor na Univerzitetu u Novom Pazaru
Centar za preduzetništvo i inovacije (CEI)


Co-working prostor je radni prostor koji dijele različiti pojedinci i kompanije, često iz različitih industrija i sektora. To su prostori koje korisnici mogu iznajmiti po satu, danu, sedmici ili mesecu, i obično nude fleksibilne uslove rada, što je idealno za freelancere, startape, male preduzetnike i kompanije koje traže privremene ili povremene radne prostore.

  • Besplatno za studente Univerziteta u Novom Pazaru, natavnike i asistente UNINP-a.
  • Cena za ne-studente Univerziteta:  RSD 10.000 / mesečno
  • Cena za ne-studente ukoliko zaposle studenta Univerziteta u Novom Pazaru: RSD 5.000 / mesečno


Napomena: ne-etički prihvatljive industrije ne mogu biti deo ovog CoWorking prostora.

Koje usluge nudimo?

Ponuda „Co-Working“ prostora Univerzitet u Novom Pazaru

Poslovni objekti

  • Wi-fi
  • Stolovi i stolice, Lejzi begs fotelje
  • 7.00 h – 19.00 h Pristup

Dodatni objekti

  • Studentske restoranske usluge (hrana, piće .. po studentskoj ceni)
  • Klima uređaj
  • Grejanje
  • Restoranska terasa na otvorenom
  • Lični ormarići za dokumentaciju
  • Izdavanje prostora za događaje (okrugla sala sa 40 mesta i velika sala sa 120 mesta)


  • U prostorijama restorana


  • Parking
  • Parking za bicikle


  • Teretana

CoWorking space at the University of Novi Pazar
Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation (CEI)


A co-working space is a workspace shared by different individuals and companies, often from different industries and sectors. These are spaces that users can rent by the hour, day, week or month, and usually offer flexible working conditions, which is ideal for freelancers, startups, small entrepreneurs and companies looking for temporary or casual workspaces.

  • Free of charge for students of the University of Novi Pazar, students and assistants of UNINP.
  • Price for non-students of the University:  RSD 10,000 / month
  • Price for non-students if they employ a student of the University of Novi Pazar: RSD 5,000 / month


Note: non-ethically acceptable industries cannot be part of this CoWorking space.

What services do we offer?

Offer of “Co-Working” space, University of Novi Pazar
Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation (CEI)

Business facilities

  • Wi-Fi
  • Tables and chairs, Lazy Baggs armchairs
  • 7:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. Access

Additional facilities

  • Student restaurant services (food, drinks… at student prices)
  • Air conditioning
  • Heating
  • Outdoor restaurant terrace
  • Personal filing cabinets
  • Rental of space for events (a round hall with 40 seats and a large hall with 120 seats)


  • In the restaurant premises


  • Parking lot
  • Parking for bicycles


  • Gym