Department of Economic

Department of Economics has been an integral part of the International University of Novi Pazar from the very start. There have been twelve generations of economists since the University was established. These twelve generations have taken part in economic and academic activities, fulfilling managerial-economic role in the public sector in addition to actively being involved in taking key positions in banking, academic and private sectors.

The current faculty comprises former students that have meanwhile become researchers and lecturers at the Department of Economics and other departments and universities.

Even though there has been a major slump since the start of the 2008 economic crisis, economic sector has gone through a massive transformation in administrative, technological, accounting, managerial and most importantly qualitative sense.

The teaching approach of using modern technologies guarantees that the students will be ready to individually or as a part of the public, banking or private sectors deal with all obstacles and troubles of transition as tenants that enable and maximize profit with respect to all legal and ethical norms.

Come and study economics at the Department of Business Economics of the International University of Novi Pazar.

