Procedura prijave i odbrane diplomskog rada

Procedure for Applying and Defending the Bachelor’s Thesis

Application for the Bachelor’s Thesis Topic

A student can apply for a bachelor’s thesis when they have earned at least three-quarters of the ECTS credits required by the study program. The student may choose from topics offered by the faculty members in the study program. 

If the student wishes to work on a different topic not included in the offered list, they may arrange with the course professor to propose a new topic. The proposed topic is submitted for approval to the Scientific-Teaching Council of the department. If the council approves the topic, the student may begin working on their thesis. 

A thesis mentor can be any faculty member teaching scientific-professional or professional-applied subjects in the student's enrolled study program at the university.

The student can apply for the bachelor’s thesis when they have achieved at least three-quarters of the ECTS credits required for graduation.

The topic application is completed using the form"Request for Approval of the Topic and Assignment of a Mentor for the Bachelor’s Thesis.

Once the Student Services Office receives the request, it obtains approval from the department head. If the topic is on the approved list, the designated faculty member is assigned as the mentor. If the proposed topic is not on the approved department list for bachelor’s theses, the Scientific-Teaching Council of the department must approve the proposed topic and mentor. 

The deadline for completing the bachelor’s thesis is one year from the date of application.

Writing the Dissertation

The scope of a thesis paper depends on the type and complexity of the topic, and it should fall within the following limits: 

  • Social and Humanities Sciences: 25 to 50 pages.
  • Natural and Mathematical Sciences: 15 to 50 pages.
  • Arts: 25 to 50 pages.

Thesis and seminar papers must follow these technical instructions: 
(Detailed technical instructions can be downloaded here)

  • Page format: A4
  • Font: Times New Roman, 12 pt
  • Line spacing: 1.5
  • Margins: 2.5 cm on all sides
  • Text alignment: Justified
  • Titles: Main titles 16 pt, subtitles 14 pt
  • Tables, images, and graphs: Should be included in the text, numbered, and titled. Each table, image, or graph must be labeled with a sequential number followed by a title. The source must be cited in the text. Titles of tables and images should be in 11 pt. Images are named and numbered, while tables are titled and numbered above them. 
  • Header (optional): If included, the author's name should be on the right side, and the type of paper (thesis or seminar paper) should be on the left side.
  • Page numbers: Mandatory, formatted in the desired style (font size 11 pt).

A thesis must include the following sections in this order:

  • Cover page and title page
  • Abstract and keywords
  • Table of contents
  • Introduction
  • Chapters
  • Conclusion
  • References
  • List of images
  • List of tables
  • Appendices

Cover Page and Title Page: The cover page should be white, with the title written in gold-colored "SEGOE UI" font. (Cover Page)The title should clearly convey the main idea of the paper without abbreviations, foreign words, imprecise terms, or company names (if analyzing a specific organization).

Abstract and Keywords: The abstract is a concise summary of the thesis (maximum one page), covering key details such as research goals, methodology, results, and major conclusions. It should be written in Bosnian, Serbian, or an international language. Up to five keywords should be listed afterward.

Table of Contents: Lists the structure of the paper, including chapters, subchapters, conclusion, and references, along with corresponding page numbers.

Introduction: Explains the significance of the chosen topic by answering why it is relevant. It should also summarize previous research on the subject and briefly outline the main goals of the paper.

Main Text: Consists of chapters and subchapters covering theoretical insights, analysis results, and discussions on findings. Theoretical sections should be based on a sufficient number of references. Citations must follow the APA style. 

Conclusion: Summarizes the key points established through literature review and research. It should be concise and may include recommendations for future research or practical applications.

References: Lists all sources cited in the paper in APA style (sources that are not referenced in the text should not be included). A citation generator can be used, such as this APA citation tool.(see example: 

List of Images and Tables: Includes all figures (graphs) and tables used in the paper, with their respective numbers, titles, and page numbers.

Appendices If surveys, forms, or other documents were used in the research, they should be included at the end of the paper. Appendices should be numbered sequentially.

Postupak odbrane diplomskog rada

Kada mentor ocijeni da je diplomski rad podoban za ocjenjivanje, student koji je položio sve ispite predviđene studijskim programom, šalje elektronsku verziju rada Studentskoj službi na e-poštu:
Studentska služba elektronskim putem dostavlja rad Biblioteci na provjeru autentičnosti, a Biblioteka dostavlja Studentskoj službi potvrdu o provjeri autentičnosti.
Ukoliko rad nije prvi put prošao provjeru autentičnosti Studentska služba je u obavezi da o tome obavijesti studenta koji će nakon ispravki ponovo dostaviti rad na provjeru uz plaćanje takse.

Nakon uspješne provjere, student podnosi “Zahtjev za polaganje diplomskog ispita, u dogovoru sa mentorom i potpisane izjave kandidata i mentora (“Izjava mentora i kandidata u vezi izrade diplomskog rada) studentskoj službi. 

Studentska služba dužna je da provjeri dosije studenta o ispunjenosti uslova za odbranu diplomskog rada i pribaviti će rješenje o formiranju komisije za odbranu diplomskog rada od strane rukovodioca departmana.

Sastav Komisije za odbranu diplomskog rada čine tri nastavnika univerziteta sa odgovarajućim naučnim zvanjem. Jedan član Komisije je, po pravilu, mentor kandidata.

Komisija za ocjenu i odbranu završnog rada ima rok od 7 (sedam) dana od dana donošenja Rješenja da uputi primjedbe na završni rad.

Ukoliko postoje primjedbe od strane komisije, Komisija dostavlja primjedbe studentu i mentoru u elektronskom obliku. Finalna verzija rada se šalje biblioteci na provjeru plagijata.

U slučaju da nije bilo primjedbi od strane članova Komisije, Studentska služba zakazuje odbranu završnog rada.

Odbrana diplomskog rada

Nakon pozitivne odluke Komisije za ocjenu rada, Studentska služba poziva kandidata da dostavi tri koričena rada u tvrdom povezu, bijele boje sa ispisanim zlatnim slovima, najmanje tri dana prije javne odbrane. (Diplomski rad)

Javna odbrana završnog diplomskog rada je usmena i svečana.

Javnom odbranom završnog rada rukovodi predsjednik Komisije za odbranu.

Predsjednik Komisije otvara postupak odbrane iznoseći osnovne podatke o kandidatu, zatim kandidat, u roku od maksimalno 15 (petnaest) minuta izlaže sadržaj rada, metode koje je primijenio i objašnjava zaključke do kojih je došao. Nakon toga članovi Komisije postavljaju pitanja kandidatu, stavljaju eventualne primjedbe i zahtijevaju dodatna objašnjenja.

Kada Komisija utvrdi da se o predmetu odbrane dovoljno raspravljalo, njen predsjednik saopštava da je odbrana zaključena, a Komisija se povlači na nejavno vijećanje i odlučivanje.

Predsjednik Komisije javno saopštava svoju odluku koja glasi “student nije odbranio diplomski rad” (ocjena 5(pet)), ili “student je odbranio diplomski rad” i daje ocjenu od 6 (šest) do 10 (deset).

Zaključak Komisije se unosi u zapisnik o polaganju ispita, koji svojim potpisima ovjeravaju svi članovi Komisije, i, koji predsjednik Komisije dostavlja nadležnom referentu u Studentskoj službi, najkasnije jedan dan poslije odbrane.

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