Preschool Education (Undergraduate)
09/05/2024 2024-11-26 8:07Vaspitač djece predškolskog uzrasta (OAS)
Preschool Education
Undergraduate (Bachelor’s) Studies
Basic Information about the Program
The goal of the Preschool Education program is to educate and professionally train experts for effective work with preschool-aged children in kindergartens and related institutions. This includes roles in childcare organizations, health institutions, and social care facilities.
Degree and Employment Opportunities
The competencies of students in the Preschool Education program represent a synthesis of specialized knowledge and skills developed through participation in various educational contexts.
Upon completing this program, students earn the title of Bachelor of Preschool Education.
Duration of Studies
The Bachelor’s program in Preschool Education spans four academic years (eight semesters) with a total workload of 240 ECTS credits.
Tuition Fees
The annual tuition fee for this program is €1,300, payable in eight monthly installments.
The fee is charged in Serbian dinars based on the exchange rate of the National Bank of Serbia on the payment date.
For more information on scholarships and discounts, you can visit the official website:
Course Schedule by Semester and Year
- Opšta pedagogija
- Sociologija
- Predškolska pedagogija
- Osnovi informatike
- Engleski jezik 1
- Predškolska didaktika
- Opšta psihologija
- Sportsko-rekreativna nastava
- Engleski jezik 2
- Izborni predmeti
- Filozofija
- Etika i estetika
- Stručna praksa
- Uvod u razvojnu psihologiju
- Porodična pedagogija
- Zdravstvena nega
- Engleski jezik 3
- Izborni predmet
- Komunikologija
- Uvod u psihologiju ličnosti
- Ekološko vaspitanje
- Književnosti za decu
- Vokalno instrumentalna nastava
- Norma i kultura standardnog jezika
- Izborni predmeti
- Razvoj kurikuluma
- Sociologija porodice
- Stručna praksa
- Metodika razvoja govora
- Metodika razvoja početnih matematičkih pojmova
- Metodika likovnog vaspitanja
- Uvod u pedagošku psihologiju
- Izborni predmeti
- Savremeni sistemi javnog komuniciranja
- Interakcija čovek računar
- Metodika upoznavanja okoline
- Metodika fizičkog vaspitanja
- Metodika muzičkog vaspitanja
- Uloga medija u vaspitanju dece
- Izborni predmeti
- Menadžment kvaliteta
- Savremene metode u nastavi
- Stručna praksa
- Dečija igra i stvaralaštvo
- Scenska i lutkarska umetnost
- Metodika vaspitno-obrazovnog rada
- Izborni predmeti
- Organizacija i struktura vaspitno obrazovnog procesa
- Socijalna patologija
- Izborni predmeti
- Emocije i motivacija
- Elektronska nastava i učenje
- Inkluzivno obrazovanje
- Uvod u profesionalnu praksu
- Zdravstvena psihologija
- Izborni predmeti
- Akademsko pisanj
- Interkulturalno razumevanje i komunikacija
- Završni rad
For the accreditation certificate, you can find the relevant details at the following link: (link)
For more information, you can contact the department via email at: