Internal Affairs Law (Undergraduate)
09/04/2024 2025-01-21 13:21Pravo unutrašnjih poslova (OAS)
Internal Affairs Law
Undergraduate (Bachelor’s) Studies
Basic Information about the Program
The Law study program, within the modules of General Law and Internal Affairs Law, introduces students to various legal institutes, issues, and methods of their resolution through different legal and criminological subjects. It provides students with comprehensive and modern knowledge and skills needed for contemporary legal professionals, both in the country and abroad, enabling them to navigate various situations and understand the importance of forming top professionals in this field for the benefit of society as a whole.
Degree and Employment Opportunities
The purpose of the Internal Affairs Law module is to train students in the application of scientific knowledge and skills in criminal law and security studies, equipping them for roles in internal affairs, public prosecution, correctional institutions, and security services. Graduates are prepared for positions suited to the title of Bachelor of Law.
Upon completing this program, students earn the title of Bachelor of Law.
Duration of Studies
The undergraduate studies in Law – General Law module are completed over four academic years, or eight semesters, with a total of 240 ECTS credits
Tuition Fees
The annual tuition fee for this program is €1,300, payable in eight monthly installments.
The fee is charged in Serbian dinars based on the exchange rate of the National Bank of Serbia on the payment date.
For more information on scholarships and discounts, you can visit the official website:
Course Schedule by Semester and Year
- Uvod u pravo
- Opšta istorija države i prava
- Engleski jezik 1
- Osnovi ekonomije
- Osnovi informatike
- Ustavno pravo
- Rimsko pravo
- Engleski jezik 2
- Izborni predmet 1
- Mediji i obrazovanje
- Kultura govora
- Izborni predmet 2
- Socijalna patologija
- Opšta psihologija
- Uvod u građansko pravo
- Kriminologija
- Krivično pravo – opšti deo
- Izborni predmet 3
- Viktimologija
- Penologija
- Specijalno fizičko obrazovanje 1
- Stvarno pravo
- Krivično pravo – posebni deo
- Osnovi kriminalistike
- Izborni predmet 4
- Interkulturalno razumevanje i komunikacija
- Politički sistemi
- Stručna praksa 1
- Specijalno fizičko obrazovanje 2 – upotreba sredstava prinude
- Krivično procesno pravo
- Upravno pravo
- Izborni predmet 5
- Međunarodno krivično pravo
- Maloletničko prestupništvo
- Kriminalistička taktika
- Obligaciono pravo
- Izborni predmet 6
- Javne finansije
- Prekršajno pravo
- Stručna praksa 2
- Kriminalistička tehnika
- Kriminalistička operativa
- Građansko procesno pravo
- Izborni predmet 7
- Prevencija kriminaliteta
- Osnovi forenzike
- Kriminalistička metodika
- Nacionalna bezbednost
- Pravo Evropske unije
- Izborni predmet 8
- Organizovani kriminal
- Kliničko pravno obrazovanje
- Stručna praksa 3
- Završni rad 8
- Savremeni obaveštajni sistemi
- Privredni kriminalitet
For the accreditation certificate, you can find the relevant details at the following link: (link)
For more information, you can contact the department via email at: