University of Novi Pazar announces the Call for applications for Erasmus+ KA171


University of Novi Pazar announces the Call for applications for Erasmus+ KA171


University of Novi Pazar announces the Call for applications for Erasmus+ KA171 scholarships for incoming Student mobility, incoming Teaching Staff mobility and/or incoming Training Staff mobility from the following regions: Neighbourhood East (Armenia), South-Mediterranean countries (Morocco, Jordan) and Western Balkans (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina)

(list of universities in the link below)


Minimum application requirements for student mobility at the University of Novi Pazar:

  1. Erasmus+ Application form for Student Mobility
  2. CV in English
  3. Transcript of Records verified from the Home University, translated into English, with clear grading system explanation
  4. Motivation letter in English
  5. Proof of English language proficiency (Certificate of language schools or transcript of records or certificate of high school)
  6. Learning Agreement signed by the home institution
  7. Consent form to publish personal data

Minimum application requirements for teaching and administrative staff mobility at the University of Novi Pazar:

  1. Erasmus+ Application Form for Staff Mobility
  2. CV in English
  3. Certificate of employment of the home institution
  4. Staff Mobility for Teaching/ Staff Mobility for Training signed by home and host institution (University of Novi Pazar) and the candidate– scanned document is accepted
  5. Consent form to publish personal data


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