Univerzitetska galerija

University Gallery

The University Gallery serves as the cultural hub of the University of Novi Pazar. It is a venue for hosting exhibitions, literary evenings, and other cultural events featuring renowned professors, scientists, and artists from both the country and abroad.

The primary mission of the Gallery is to provide students, professors, and visitors the opportunity to engage with various artistic and literary works, contributing to their intellectual and spiritual growth. Additionally, the Gallery offers young artists and writers a platform to showcase their work, fostering creativity and innovation. Through its diverse cultural events, the University Gallery plays a pivotal role in bridging the academic community with cultural and artistic currents, thereby enriching society as a whole.

Based on these principles, the Gallery aims to achieve the following goals:

  • Create a collection of artistic works owned by the University,
  • Catalogue and maintain a registry of artistic works owned by the University,
  • Organize, update, and revise the University's permanent art exhibitions,
  • Host special thematic, study-based, retrospective, and monographic exhibitions in the fields of art, science, and culture,
  • Organize literary promotions and literary evenings,
  • Arrange panels, roundtables, workshops, and similar academic and artistic gatherings,
  • Facilitate art colonies,
  • Prepare and publish materials related to the Gallery's activities,
  • Undertake other initiatives to promote the teaching, scientific, and artistic creativity of the University of Novi Pazar to the broader public, both nationally and internationally.


Phone number +381 63 72 67 894
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