Rukovodilac departmana za pedagoške i psihološke nauke
11/25/2024 2024-12-17 11:14Rukovodilac departmana za pedagoške i psihološke nauke
Head of the Department
The Head of the Department of Pedagogical and Psychological Sciences
CV of the Head of the Department
Responsibilities of the Head of the Department
The Head of the Department is appointed by the Rector, with a positive opinion from the Council. The appointment is made from among the teaching staff employed at the University for a term of three academic years, with the possibility of reappointment.
The Head of the Department has the following responsibilities:
- Represents and advocates for the Department;
- Ensures legality and proper functioning within the Department;
- Organizes, coordinates, and oversees the Department's operations and business activities, determines individual assignments for faculty and associates in scientific-research projects, and ensures the fulfillment of educational and research activities;
- Proposes class schedules for undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral studies in consultation with the Vice-Rector for Education, and, in cases of disruptions, proposes exam schedules and examiners with prior consultation;
- Chairs the Teaching and Research Council, prepares, and proposes the agenda for its sessions;
- Participates in the work of the Senate;
- Proposes general acts of the Department in accordance with the Law, the Collective Agreement, and the Statute;
- Suggests to the Teaching and Research Council and the Senate measures for improving the Department's operations, initiates proposals, and recommends solutions on issues important to the Department's activities;
- Implements and enforces decisions made by higher University bodies and the Department's Teaching and Research Council;
- Proposes business strategies for the Department and measures for their implementation;
- Recommends the Admissions Commission and the Commission for conducting entrance exams for the Department;
- Signs diploma supplements;
- Performs other tasks as stipulated by the Law, this Statute, and other general acts of the Department.
Message from the Head of the Department
Dear Students,
Welcome to the Department of Pedagogical and Psychological Sciences, where you can study one of two programs: Preschool Education and Psychology!
The dream of many generations to study in their own city and environment, aligned with the values we cherish, has been realized through the establishment of the University of Novi Pazar.
The idea of diversity enriching us has been fully implemented through our students, who have become part of our academic family. They benefit from lectures by eminent professors and the support of teaching assistants, many of whom are graduates of the University of Novi Pazar.
Thanks to a well-defined development plan, our top students are engaged as teaching associates and assistants and are encouraged to pursue postgraduate and doctoral studies, ensuring they take on responsibilities for this meaningful and humane project’s future development.
The Preschool Education program is designed to meet modern educational demands. Its curriculum is based on contemporary scientific knowledge, the Rulebook on Preschool Education Programs, and the Rulebook on Competency Standards for Preschool Educators.
Psychology students acquire fundamental knowledge and skills through interactive teaching, independent learning, seminars, work in psychological laboratories, computer classrooms, and fieldwork. They develop research designs, apply statistical data, and critically evaluate scientific literature, enabling them to participate in professional group work and utilize computer skills effectively.
By studying at the University of Novi Pazar, you empower yourself with the knowledge and skills essential for personal integrity and a dignified life, enabling you to pursue careers of your choice while responsibly carrying the values entrusted to you.