11/07/2024 2025-02-14 8:19Rektorat
- Representation and advocacy of the university: The Rectorate represents the university to external collaborators, state institutions, other universities, and the public at large.
- Strategic planning: The Rectorate is responsible for developing the university's long-term vision, setting strategic goals, and defining operational priorities.
- Resource management: The Rectorate manages the university’s financial resources, human capital, and material assets.
- Ensuring the quality of studies: The Rectorate ensures high-quality standards in teaching, research activities, and other university functions.
- Collaboration with other institutions domestically and abroad: The Rectorate fosters cooperation with other higher education institutions, research institutes, industries, and civil society organizations.
Rector's CV
- Professor Dr. Suad Bećirović was born on May 4, 1981, in Freudenstadt, Germany. He completed his primary and secondary education in his hometown. In 2004, he earned his undergraduate degree in economics from the University of Reutlingen in Germany.
- He completed his master’s thesis in banking and finance at the International University of Novi Pazar in 2007, obtaining the title of Master of Economic Sciences.
- In 2009, he completed his doctoral studies at the University of Novi Pazar and received the title of Doctor of Economic Sciences.
- In 2007, he began working as a teaching assistant at the Department of Economic Sciences, where he became a professor in 2009, focusing on management-related courses.
- That same year, he was appointed Head of the Center for Postgraduate Studies at the University of Novi Pazar. In 2014, he was elected as the Rector of the University of Novi Pazar.
- He is the author of more than fifty scientific and professional papers written in Bosnian, Serbian, English, and German, most of which have been published in international journals. His research interests include finance (particularly Islamic finance) and economic development.
- Professor Bećirović has participated in the implementation of numerous research projects, including: Analysis of Financing Possibilities for Local Communities in Novi Pazar, Tutin, and Prijepolje (EU Delegation to Serbia), Cross-Border Project Serbia-Montenegro: "Better Cooperation for a Better Future" (EU Delegation to Serbia), Resource Identification as a Basis for Future Investments in Southwest Serbia, Consultant for the Development Strategy of the Municipality of Rožaje (Municipality of Rožaje). He is fluent in German and English. Professor Bećirović is married and the father of three children.
Rector's Responsibilities
The Rector is the highest authority at the University, the leader, and the governing body responsible for the university's operations.
According to Article 29 of the Statute of the University of Novi Pazar, the Rector has the following competencies:
- Represents and advocates for the University;
- Organizes, coordinates, and supervises the work and operations of the University;
- Chairs the Senate and prepares and proposes the agenda for Senate meetings;
- Appoints and dismisses department heads with the consent of the Council;
- Proposes measures to the Senate and the Council to improve the University's operations;
- Implements the decisions of the Senate and the Council;
- Proposes business policies and measures for their implementation;
- Ensures the execution of the financial plan;
- Proposes the University’s financial plan to the Senate;
- Takes legal actions on behalf of the University for purchases of minor value as defined in the Founding Act; for amounts exceeding that value, consent from the Council is required;
- Suspends the execution of acts issued by heads of higher education units if found to be in contradiction with the law, this Statute, or the Founding Act;
- Appoints and dismisses the heads of higher education units within the University on the proposal of the relevant organ of the higher education unit, with the consent of the Council;
- Participates in the work of the Council without voting rights;
- Promotes doctoral candidates, honorary doctors, emeritus professors, and full professors;
- Signs diplomas and authorizes one of the Vice-Rectors to sign diploma supplements;
- Performs other tasks defined by law, the Statute, and other general acts of the University.
The Rector is independent in performing tasks within his jurisdiction and is responsible to the University Council for his work.
Message from the Rector
The establishment of the University of Novi Pazar marked a historic breakthrough that forever changed Novi Pazar, Sandžak, Serbia, and even the entire region. In 2002, courageous visionaries, led by the Mufti Muamer ef. Zukorlić, made the decision to found an institution not for material gain or personal interests, but to sacrifice their money, time, and energy in order to provide this region, this area, with a better and brighter future.
A home of science was founded in a region historically known for the emigration of its people, where the youth left for the world to acquire knowledge. At a time when, unfortunately, intolerance and hostility prevailed.
In Novi Pazar, an institution emerged that succeeded in combining traditional values with modern scientific achievements. It offered our youth new perspectives, uniting professors and students of different nationalities and religions to develop their God-given potential, talents, and creative ideas in order to achieve excellent results in theory and practice for the benefit of the entire community. Today, we have a situation where individuals from different regions come to Novi Pazar to acquire knowledge.
The positive energy of the founders has been passed on to all the employees of this University. We can responsibly say that all the employees of the University carry the vision and mission of its founding within themselves.
Therefore, we are convinced that this institution, based on sincere foundations and genuine intentions, will always endure and will always be successful.
Welcome to our and YOUR University in Novi Pazar!
Previous Rectors
Academic Mufti Muamer Zukorlić
Rector (2002 – 2008)
The first rector and main initiator of the establishment of the University of Novi Pazar was academic Muamer Zukorlić. His vision for founding the University in Novi Pazar is best described in the following words:
“The University of Novi Pazar was founded in Sandžak, in a land inhabited by people characterized by cultural and other differences, yet united by universal values and the needs of life. For the progress and welfare of society, education is an essential prerequisite.
This University was established with the aim of helping and serving all people, especially those who recognized it as a beacon of prosperity and a guide on the path to freedom for individuals and communities as a whole.
Born out of the light of the sun and love for humanity, the University appeared to dispel the clouds of dogmatism that hovered over our skies, causing darkness and ignorance.
The main universal value needed by every person is knowledge. Knowledge does not recognize borders of time, space, race, nationality, or any other. The only real boundary is the one that separates knowledge from ignorance.
Only harmonious knowledge, in its strength, power, and quality, as well as in its spirituality and humanity, measured by the scale of humility, is true knowledge. Knowledge, the best and the highest quality, universal knowledge, useful knowledge aimed to serve humanity.
This has been and remains the ideal for the establishment and development of this University.
As a young institution full of strength and energy, we are ready to face all the challenges of modern higher education, offering our students the best knowledge services.
From the very beginning, students and their parents have entrusted us with their trust, aware that we will guide them with firm steps toward full success in knowledge and careers. They can rely on the University and the professors who continuously contribute to the scientific achievements of our time.
The University of Novi Pazar meets all the criteria for quality and excellence like the most successful world universities. With innovative thinking and daily activities, the University is designed in accordance with the demands and needs of the community and students. It is a University with a balance between education and scientific research, accompanied by the acquisition of necessary skills, providing an answer to the constant academic curiosity of students, whose results will be of direct benefit to the wider community. We are preparing our students for the future, giving them the essential tools they will use in their professional lives.
This University is raising new generations of capable people, making it a key player in the development of the wider region, contributing to the general welfare and stabilization of this area. All the criticisms and obstacles that have followed this institution from its inception are understood as confirmation of its unparalleled quality and authenticity.
We draw strength for the raising and development of this University from the first words of the Qur’an:
„Read, in the name of your Lord who creates…'“
Prof. Dr. Mevlud Dudić
Rector (2008 – 2014)
The second rector of the University was Prof. Dr. Mevlud Dudić, who led the University into the second decade of its existence. He said the following about the University:
“In the first decade, we invested all our strength and capacities to complete a quality offering of sustainable study programs, form our own staff, and create conditions for normal work. In terms of spatial requirements and technical facilities, we succeeded in building a large number of classrooms and equipping them with the most modern teaching tools. The University strengthened daily, improving existing and creating new potentials aimed not only at building its own brand but also at leadership in higher education in the region.
For these reasons, today, a decade after its founding, the University of Novi Pazar is rightfully called a miracle, and we who participated in the birth and growth of this institution proudly say that it is all a divine blessing and the result of responsible behavior toward the entrusted mission. Therefore, in the next decade, we will diligently work on the general humanization of our society and create staff that will equally be a source of pride for all those who cherish the idea of internationalism and the common good.
Students are, of course, our greatest treasure and will always be our top priority. The entire existence and activity of this institution are focused on providing the best and highest quality education to those who have entrusted us with their trust. Our desire is to further enhance the interaction between students, teaching staff, and external university factors, so that the mission of our University is fully realized and the knowledge, skills, and achievements attained by our professors, assistants, and students benefit the wider community and serve as one of the progressive factors for the whole of society.
In line with the needs and interests of the environment, we will strive to create an intellectual elite that will adhere to the following values in their lives and work: honor, dignity, honesty, courage, expertise, trustworthiness, and consistency.
Aware that we enter this second decade with great ambitions, we do not lose optimism because we are confident that with the resources at our disposal, the experience gained from this decade of strengthening, and our faith in ourselves and institutional work, we are destined for success. The University is already establishing its roots in this area, as well as its bright future, which, despite all the challenges, necessarily arises from the intention of goodness and the mission of enlightenment, shining through the dawn of a new day. A man is a being of choice and, therefore, of freedom, and a free man is only one who possesses knowledge.
Therefore, the doors of this University are wide open to all those who thirst for knowledge, to those who wish to pass knowledge onto others, to all who desire a better future, to all who want to be free people.”
Vice-Rector for Education
CV of the Vice-Rector for Education
- Prof. Dr. Muzafer Saračević is a full professor in the field of computer science.
- He earned his Ph.D. in 2013 from the Faculty of Science and Mathematics at the University of Niš.He completed his Master's degree at the Faculty of Technical Sciences at the University of Kragujevac with an average grade of 10. He graduated from the Faculty of Informatics and Computer Science in Belgrade , specializing in cryptography (PM field), with an average grade of 9.82. He also graduated from the Faculty of Informatics and Information Technology in Novi Pazar in the field of computer engineering (TT field), with an average grade of 9.88.
- He has published more than 200 papers, including around 150 in international and national journals, and over 50 papers in prestigious international journals (Web of Sciences).
- His research articles and chapters have been published in journals and monographs from global scientific literature publishers such as: Elsevier, Springer, IEEE, Taylor & Francis, Nature, Cell Press, Wiley, IET, TechScience Press, De Gruyter, MDPI, Hindawi, World Scientific, IGI Global, and IOP Science. His works have been cited more than 1,500 times.
- He is a member of the Steering Committee for Mathematics, Computer Science, and Mechanics at the Ministry of Science, Technological Development, and Innovation (mandate 2021-2026). He is a reviewer for the National Body for Accreditation and Quality Assurance in Higher Education. He is an international reviewer for the Technology Transfer Program at the Innovation Fund. He is also a foreign expert for the Agency for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Higher Education in Montenegro in the field of natural sciences. Prof. Saračević is a member of the Expert Committee for providing expert opinions and reviewing programs in the field of information technology in Bosnia and Herzegovina. He is an honorary member of the Neutrosophic Science International Association (NSIA), University of New Mexico, USA, and a member of the Bosnian-Herzegovinian-American Academy of Sciences and Arts (BHAAAS). Additionally, he is a member of the editorial boards of more than 20 international scientific journals. He has completed over 350 reviews for prestigious international journals.
- Prof. Saračević has received several awards for his academic achievements and pedagogical and research work. He is married and a father of three sons.
Duties and Responsibilities
Job Description:
- Proposes solutions to the Senate and the Rector, and takes measures for the realization and improvement of the scientific and educational process.
- Coordinates university-wide activities related to teaching coverage plans and their implementation, providing appropriate proposals and reports to the Senate and Rector.
- Coordinates activities regarding the continuous evaluation of students' knowledge and the scheduling of exam periods for the upcoming academic year, providing relevant proposals and reports to the Senate and Rector.
- Coordinates activities related to the preparation and implementation of teaching schedules for university units, ensuring the regularity and quality of teaching, and submitting appropriate proposals and reports to the Senate and Rector.
- Directly prepares materials for the relevant university bodies that fall under the Vice-Rector for Education's responsibilities.
- Coordinates activities related to engaging external collaborators in teaching, offering proposals to the Senate and Rector.
- Coordinates activities regarding the determination of departments and curricula, ensuring their implementation and submitting relevant proposals and reports to the Senate and Rector.
- Submits annual reports, and more frequently if necessary, on the implementation of the educational process and student success at the university or departmental level to the Senate and Rector, as well as other reports as needed.
- Initiates and coordinates the review of curricula in accordance with the law, the Statute, and decisions made by the university's relevant bodies.
- Proposes measures and activities to the Rector and the relevant university bodies to improve the quality of the educational process.
- Coordinates university-wide activities related to preparations for student enrollment at all three levels of study, submitting relevant proposals and reports to the Senate and Rector.
- Proposes general and specific legal acts related to teaching and student affairs.
- Participates in the work of the Council without the right to vote.
- Performs other tasks related to the responsibilities of the Vice-Rector for Education as assigned by the Rector.
In the performance of duties, the Vice-Rector for Education collaborates with other services, responsible leaders, and other bodies, as well as teaching and other university staff.
During the term of office, the Vice-Rector for Education also performs teaching duties in the relevant subjects for which they are appointed at the University.
Coordinator for Science
CV Koordinatora za nauku
- Prof. dr Samir Ljajić je vanredni profesor iz oblasti ekonomskih nauka.
- Doktorirao je 2019. godine na Departmanu za ekonomske nauke Univerziteta u Novom Pazaru sa prosečnom ocenom 9,71.
- Master studije završio je takođe na Departmanu za ekonomske nauke Univerziteta u Novom Pazaru sa prosečnom ocenom 9,29, a druge master studije iz oblasti Komunikologije na Filozofskom fakultetu Univerziteta u Nišu sa prosečnom ocenom 9,38.
- Diplomirao je na Departmanu za ekonomske nauke Univerziteta u Novom Pazaru sa prosečnom ocenom 9,09.
- Drugi doktorat (Mediji i društvo) je upisao na Filozofskom fakultetu Univerziteta u Nišu položivši sve ispite na ovim doktorskim studijama prosečnom ocenom 9,81 i pred odbranom je doktorske disertacije.
- Objavio je više od 50 radova, u međunarodnim i nacionalnim časopisima.
- Urednik jednog časopisa, supervizor sva tri časopisa na Univerzitetu u Novom Pazaru. Uradio je tridesetak recenzija u časopisima i recenzirao dva udžbenika.
- Bio je Koordinator VŠJ u Nišu od osnivanja 2003 pa do 2021. godine.
- Dobitnik je nekoliko priznanja koja se odnose na period rada u menadžmetu.
- Oženjen je.
Job Description for Coordinator for Science:
Job Description:
- Coordinates scientific activities at the University level related to the development of scientific and research work at the University.
- Takes all necessary measures to ensure conditions for scientific and research activities and proposes appropriate modalities for their improvement to the relevant authorities.
- Provides relevant suggestions and takes appropriate actions for the professional development of teachers and collaborators to acquire new and deepen existing knowledge in the field of scientific research work.
- Takes actions and measures to create conditions for stimulating young researchers, aiming at their academic advancement and optimal preparation for participation in scientific research activities and other projects.
- Develops and undertakes appropriate activities, including preparing and submitting relevant proposals to the University’s governing bodies, aimed at improving scientific work at the University for the advancement of existing knowledge and its modern application.
- Monitors the state of laboratories, libraries, centers, institutes, and departments, and proposes measures to improve their equipment, as well as the procurement of equipment used for scientific research work that constitutes the University’s research infrastructure.
- Monitors opportunities for the University to apply for scientific research and other projects, both domestically and internationally, and provides timely and relevant information about these opportunities.
- Proposes general and specific legal acts related to scientific research work.
- At least once a year, submits a report on their work to the Rector of the University.Submits an annual report on their work to the Rector of the University.
- Performs other tasks assigned by the Rector.
Coordinator for International Cooperation/Erasmus+ Institutional Coordinator
CV of the Coordinator for International Cooperation
- Prof. Dr. Ergin Hakić was born on March 3, 1979, in Novi Pazar, where he completed his primary and secondary education. He earned his undergraduate law degree in 2007.Prof. dr. Ergin Hakić was born on March 3, 1979, in Novi Pazar, where he completed his primary and secondary education. He earned his undergraduate law degree from the University of Novi Pazar in 2007.
- A master’s degree in criminology and criminal law in 2009.He completed his master's degree in criminology and criminal law in 2009.
- A doctorate in law in 2015, all from the University of Novi Pazar.He obtained a doctorate in law in 2015, all from the University of Novi Pazar.
- A professor at the Department of Legal Sciences since 2009.
- He became Coordinator for International Cooperation and Head of the Publishing Center in 2023, and Department Head in 2024.
- He has authored over 40 scholarly works.
- The special interest of the research is the crime-security area and criminal law.
- Fluent in English and German, he is married with two children.
Tasks of the Coordinator for International Cooperation
Job Description:
- Coordinates activities at the University related to the development of cooperation both domestically and internationally, and leads the implementation of these activities.
- Takes all necessary actions and measures at the University to establish cooperation with other universities both in the country and abroad.
- Prepares international cooperation programs through bilateral agreements, organizes the cooperation, and keeps records of it.
- Takes appropriate actions and measures for the operationalization and implementation of concluded cooperation agreements.
- Takes all necessary actions and measures at the University to ensure conditions for scientific and professional contacts.
- Initiates and coordinates, at the University level, the development, adoption, and implementation of plans and programs for professional development of faculty and staff at other universities, both in the country and abroad.
- Initiates and coordinates activities and measures, and prepares proposals for the competent authorities aimed at establishing cooperation within joint projects with universities in the country and abroad.
- Monitors opportunities for applying for scientific-research and other projects within domestic and international cooperation, providing adequate and timely information about them.
- Proposes general and specific legal acts related to international cooperation.
- At least once a year, submits a report on his/her work to the Rector.
- Performs other tasks that fall under the responsibility of the Coordinator for International Cooperation, and tasks assigned by the Rector.
Rector’s Office Chief of Staff
Tasks of the Rector's Office Chief of Staff
Job Description:
- Organizes the work of the Rector's Office.
- Plans, organizes, coordinates, and leads the execution of tasks and duties within the scope of the office and is responsible for their execution.
- Organizes work and protocol visits to the University.
- Manages the Rector's correspondence.
- Participates in organizing visits for the Rector.
- Assigns specific tasks to all individuals engaged in executing tasks and duties in the office.
- Directly participates in the execution of certain expert tasks within the office's work.
- Provides expert and administrative logistical support to the Rector in communications with state authorities, strategic partners, and the media.
- Monitors and organizes activities related to the preparation of reports and other documents prepared by the Rector in his scope of responsibilities.
- Performs expert tasks in the field of protocol and other professional and administrative tasks for the Rectorate.
- Regularly informs the Rector of all important issues that arise in the work.
- Performs other tasks as assigned by the Rector.
Secretary of the Rectorate
Tasks of the Secretary of the Rectorate
Job Description:
- Organizes the execution of tasks and duties within the scope of the Rectorate's work.
- Performs administrative and technical tasks for the President, Rector, and Vice Rectors; prepares documents, correspondence, and other acts for the needs of the Rector and Vice Rectors, and manages correspondence with other universities and institutions both domestically and internationally.
- Keeps records of meetings for the Rector and Vice Rectors.
- Receives and announces visitors and other individuals coming to see the Rector.
- Takes notes during all official visits to the University.
- Maintains the protocol book for visits to the University.
- Announces the protocol and arranges visits for the Rector and Vice Rectors to governmental and organizational bodies.
- In collaboration with the relevant authorities, acquires necessary documents for the international travel of the Rector and Vice Rectors.
- Receives mail addressed to the President, Rector, and Vice Rectors.
- Delivers documents for signature.
- Ensures the provision of office and other materials needed for the office.
- Performs other tasks as assigned by the President, Rector, and Vice Rectors.
International Relations Officer
Job Description:
- Receives and processes applications from domestic students and academic staff, as well as foreign students and academic staff.
- Participates in the organization of international seminars, symposiums, and conferences.
- Maintains records related to the tasks within the scope of the job.
- Assists and guides students and academic staff when applying for scholarships, programs, and projects.
- Helps in preparing international cooperation programs through bilateral agreements, organizes such cooperation, and keeps records of it.
- Organizes academic exchanges.
- Takes actions to prepare and organize the departure and stay of students participating in student exchange programs with European and non-European countries.
- Takes actions related to the arrival and stay of foreign students within exchange programs.
- Coordinates activities related to applying, preparing, verifying, and implementing international projects.
- Investigates opportunities for new scholarships, programs, and projects available for application from the Republic of Serbia.
- With the approval of the Rector or Vice Rector, applies for membership in networks of interest to the University.
- Works on promoting mobility among students and academic staff.
- With the consent of the Vice Rector for International Cooperation, applies for financial support for student mobility from donors for programs not financially covered.
- Performs other tasks as assigned by the Vice Rector for International Cooperation.