Fine Arts (Doctoral)
09/02/2024 2025-01-10 10:05Likovna umjetnost (DUS)
Fine Arts
Doctoral Аrt Studies
Basic Information about the Program
The purpose of the Doctoral Program in Fine Arts is to provide an educational framework of the highest level of study in which students will develop their talents in accordance with artistic development and the highest research standards in their field.
Krоz zаоkruživаnjе prоcеsа studirаnjа likоvnе umеtnоsti, tе sticаnjе prоdublјеnih i nаprеdnih znаnjа iz tеоriје i prаksе likоvnе umеtnоsti studеnti sе оspоsоblјаvајu zа sаmоstаlаn i kvаlitеtаn umеtničkо-istrаživаčki i pеdаgоški rаd, i оstvаrеnjе оriginаlnih umеtničkih prојеkаtа kојi su rеlеvаntni nа nаciоnаlnоm i mеđunаrоdnоm nivоu. Тоkоm rаdа nа umеtničkоm prојеktu, krоz vlаstitu prаksu, studеnt trеbа dа cеlоvitiје rаzviје stvаrаlаčkе spоsоbnоsti i istrаživаčki pristup umеtničkоm stvаrаnju. Svrhа studiјskоg prоgrаmа bаzirа sе nа rаzviјаnju umеtničkо kritičkоg mišlјеnjа kоd studеnаtа, i njihоvо оspоsоblјаvаnjе dа kritički prоcеnjuјu svој rаd i rаd drugih nа nајvišеm umеtničkоm nivоu tе dа, uz rаzvој krеаtivnih, intеlеktuаlnih i umеtničkih spоsоbnоsti, kао i uz primеnu stеčеnih tеоriјskih znаnjа, budu kоmpеtеntni dа dеtаlјnо оbrаzlоžе i prеzеntuјu rеzultаtе svоg umеtničkоg istrаživаnjа.
Degree and Employment Opportunities
The doctoral program prepares students to deeply and systematically understand artistic creation. It equips them with the highest-level professional skills in fine arts and knowledge of relevant research methods. Students are capable of conceptualizing, planning, implementing, and adapting artistic research processes at the highest artistic and academic levels. They also gain the ability to participate in creating and implementing international artistic projects.
Upon completing this program, students earn the title of Doctor of Arts – Fine Arts.
Duration of Studies
The Doctoral Program in Fine Arts lasts for three academic years (six semesters) and the total workload is 180 ECTS credits.
Tuition Fees
The annual tuition fee for this program is €8,100, payable in eight monthly installments.
The fee is charged in Serbian dinars based on the exchange rate of the National Bank of Serbia on the payment date.
Course Schedule by Semester and Year
Prva godina
- Metodologija naučnog rada
- Filozofija umetnosti
- Umetnički istraživački rad 1
- Tehnike pisanja naučnog-istraživačkog rada
- Umetnički istraživački rad 2
- Ilustracija –autorski izraz i savremena umetnička praksa
Druga godina
- Moderna umetnost – izabrane teme
- Umetnički istraživački rad 3
- Ilustracija-vizuelno pripovedanje i novi mediji
- Savremeni mediji u umetnosti
- Umetnički istraživački rad 4
- Menadžment u kulturi
Treća godina
- Izrada doktorskog umetničkog projekta
- Doktorski umetnički projekat
For the accreditation certificate, you can find the relevant details at the following link: (link)
Information Guide
Link for general test: (link)
For more information, you can contact the department via email at: